Friday, December 7, 2007

Momy loves Olivia-Olivia loves Momy

I love my hair


Momy thinks that I was too cute when I am asleep.

My firsts

Eyes wide open:-))

Eyes focused on Dady. He was talking to grandma on Skype and called Momy for taking this picture.

First Smile

Still with my Hospital labels.Was it my first smile:-))


On the floor-playmat - I use it for sleeping yet-confi

Coming home- I was born on Monday -left the hospital on Saturday-3 days in special unit Dady said that I had a fever and was dehydrated.That's why he was so worried and waking me up in every 3 hours for feeding by putting alarm clock on. I was asleep all the time and they made me awake by undressing- putting wet wash cloths on my face and changing my diaper. None of then seemed to be worked.I was a sleeping baby ever!!

Thanks givings

Thanks giving now--- I want that camera right now!!

Thanks giving then- It is 6 PM- Who cares about Thanks giving dinner.I am only 25 days old and want to sleep. Do I look beatiful? Sorry but why my hands are covered?

Her eyes were looking for me!!

I can't stop myself remembering your "first cry " .When the nurse brought you to show us-she was holding you in her palms up right like a little rattle for a few seconds.My first feeling was "she is naked and going to get cold-how beatiful she is-she looks asif she knows that we are her mom and dad waiting for her. I felt that we had eye contact for a while and as if you knew that I am your MOM !

After a short while they gave you to me.I was very proud that they gave you to me.I am the MOM and I had you right on my shoulder.I couldn't figure out what to do -how to hold you since my hands were tied .I tried to hold you with my neck -they let me hold her with one hand-I remember myself smelling you not kissing not to hurt you and thinking I should remember that smell for ever.

You were SO Beatiful to me!
So soft,
So tiny
So perfect

You were so perfect to me.
I didn't kiss you scared of hurting just kept smelling and kept looking to your face -hands-feet.
Feeling you weight on my arms.
The moment I sow you -I wanted to hold and never leave!!

I will always be with you Olivia . As long as I could and you want to!!


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