Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I bought wild cought salmon from whole foods for dinner.It was yummy!!


When Olivia sow her plate the first reaction was "Is it dead?"

Then she started crying for the"sweet little fish nicely swimming in the ocean" and was very mad for the "stupid fishermen who caught the fish" It took almost 20 min .Then she started eating her fish and ate it all:-)

In the bed she remembered the fish and started crying again. She was talking to herself "are you all right little fishy? Are you hurt? Are you sad my little fishy fellow? "

I tried to explain her again that it is okay to eat fish etc.Then she was mad at me too.She said" I want everybody being alive ,even a little fish in the ocean:-("

She fell asleep with tears on her cheeks:-((

Saturday, November 19, 2011

My feelings.

I feel guilty for not updating this blog.But it is so hard to write what has happened during the day.I feel like the meaning of the moment being lost when I write.Then when I read previous posts I realize that I have already forgotten some of them.
Olivia is not as polite as she used to be :-) Now she is yelling ,kicking ,hitting and sometimes even biting. She is also not so much into reading .She used to negotiate for 8-9 books to be red for bedtime.Now many nights she skips reading ..

Olivia knows that Santa is a man in red costume.Today we went to shopping mall where there was a photo stand with Santa.Here is the their conversation

Santa: what is your name?
Santa"Ohh Elizabeth,how old are you?
Oli:NOT Elizabeth ,my name is Olivia
Santa :Oh Olivia how old are you?
Santa: You are so grown up since I sow you last time(Olivia looked at me ,because she never met Santa before)
What is your wish this year?
Oli:Teddy bear ????

When I was telling her that peaople wear such costumes ,she said "I know,In Easter bunny had a watch,I sow it " :-)


Mommy remember when I was little cried a lot.You thought that I was crying for "meme"(nursing) right? Do you know why I used to cry so much,because I always wanted to have a black cat :-)

Olivia and I spend wonderful day today and closed the day with coloring together.She is very cute making me laugh a lot.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

On these days

Olivia started speaking Spanish a few weeks ago.Her Spanish is mush better than mine and her accent is perfect. We are playing mainly in Spanish.She sounds really cute .
Today on the way to Children's museum she sow Walmart truck and tried to read the word"LESS" She said "liss" and I know "e" in less confusing
She doesn't want to use hair clip at all :-))
She is picking all her outfits ..Cherry shoes are favorite on these days
She is really funny and has humar,Making me lough many times in a day.
She loves school and mathematics.
Loves making cards and getting cards in every occasion.

My baby is 5 .

Olivia turned 5 !!!!
My baby is 5 years ,4 days ,6 hour,40 min old and she is sleeping in her bed now.
She is in Kinder from 8 to 2:30 pm and I am missing her a lot.
Today in the bed when I told her that I love her she said :I know it
Then I asked her how does she know.Here are her answers
1-Because I was in tour tummy
2-Because you are doing good things with me
3-Because you fed me,fed me so that I could grow bigger
4-In your body,here(she is touching my chest) you have your heart,and inside there is little Olivia.
5-Because I am your BABY.

I LOVE HER.. I want to live long life with her.

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