Thursday, July 5, 2012

Loose tooth

Olivia lost her first tooth a month ago right a day after her school closed for summer on the 6th of June. We were not expecting her loosing soon but one day she was with Ying and Mia and she wants to carry her booster seat on her head and keeps it's strap in her mouth then Mia pulled the strap there you go.... Ying called me saying Olivia's tooth is loose now and she wanted to take her to a dentist right away. I told her bring Olivia home so that I can see first .Olivia had  a visit to the dentist scheduled in a week time. I called the dentist office and they said there is nothing to worry .Her tooth became really wobbly and when the dentist sow it he said "the strap helped to accelerate the process " .
A day before she lost her tooth I stopped by the bank and got very shiny a dollar coin.Olivia knows that there is no fairy,santa etc but I wanted to give her something anyway. At night she put her tooth under her pillow and I replaced it with the coin.She really liked it and put it in her piggy back right away.I was expecting her showing join to her friends but she didn't.

Nowadays second bottom tooth is very loose too. I guess soon it will come out as well.

Bebegim ..buyuyorsun ..

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