Monday, June 4, 2012

Kinder year.

Tomorrow is the last day of Kinder ..Olivia is little sad about leaving her beloved teacher .She is an extra ordinary person ,we all as a family had a great year.This sunflower plant that Olivia is posing with is very important to her.She planted them in the class while I was volunteering ,then we transferred them into our backyard.They are as tall as Olivia now.
Today in the car ,Olivia cried for her teacher.It has been a nice coincident that her teacher's husband is from Turkey and even from the same University of Reha and I graduated. That's why her teacher can speak Turkish.In the morning she was welcoming Olivia saying"sirin kizim benim,tatli kizim benim " and hugging her.Teacher has been hugging all the kids before entering to class every morning that was amazed me and Reha.
Even I feel little sad that this year is over..
Let's see what first grade wold bring to Olivia and us..

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