Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Camping with friends!

We went to camp last weekend 4 families together to Anza Borrego .Mia ,Anish,Raguf ,thay loved playing together.We hiked on Palm Canyon Trial 1.5 miles and 1.5 miles total 3 .Olivia packed almost 10 books on her backpack ,our words to convince her NOT TO didn't work.Reha and i warned her that we won't be carrying it by no means and she said she wouldn't mind.And she carried it all through the hike.It is a self guiding hiking and there are numbers indicating watch out points from 1 to 15.At some point Olivia shouted "this is number 4 Mia!!" with a proud voice,but it wasn't.Ramya explained"Olivia look number 4 is here ahead of you".Olivia right away clarified the situation"They moved the number sign Ramya !!":-))

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