Sunday, July 19, 2009


Today we went to La Jolla Shore beach. Olivia wore her new swimming suit.She loves playing with waves and quite brave too :-)) Needs permenant supervision for sure.
Since we were on the surfers part of the beach she watched them too.On the way back home she was almost asleep in the car but I kept her busy by singing so that she can take a shower and nap in her bed. But it didn't work .For some reason she was very alert and couldn't take a nap.Around 6 pm she fell asleep on the sofa .I moved Olivia in her bed expecting that it would be night time sleep.
She was awake at 8 pm and asked for a story. I read it with flash light so that she wouldn't fully awake.Then she asked for milk ,then asked for banana,then for meme.then for a song ,then wanted to brush her teeth. Now it is 11 pm and recently she asked for water:-))
After having drank her water from a cup she said"I am not drinking from a sippy cup any more"
Then she followed" Because I am a big girl"
"Yes ,you are getting bigger everyday " I said

Then she SAID :

" I am big but not grown up enough to be A ....."
She paused ,seemed thinking.I thought she waw gonna say "A mom" that she usually says.

BUT she said "A SURFER YET "

And she smiled.
I said" Do you want to be a surfer"
She said "YES" and "Please go to your bed " continued :-)))

I left the room and still hearing her talking to her stuffed animals that she calls

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